Information to Authors
- Journal of Plant Development Sciences (JPDS) is a monthly refereed Journal dealing with Basic & Applied Plant Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Ethnobotany, Taxonomy, Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Horticulture, Forestry & Field Botany. It is open to research workers in India and abroad. Review articles, original full length articles, short communications, news and views are accepted for publication.
- Manuscript types: Three types of manuscripts may be submitted: review articles, full length articles and short communications. News and views are also accepted for publication after being duly recommended by referees. We also accept books for reviews.
- Manuscript should be prepared in English language only with MS-word and 12pt. Times New Roman fonts should be used.
- Title and Authorship Information: The title of manuscript, author’s name, full address, telephone/fax number and email address have to be provided.
- Manuscripts must include an abstract not exceeding 150 words. In case of short communications, abstract is not required. Maximum of five key words should be provided arranged in alphabetical order. The usual format of manuscript is: Abstract, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Observations/Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any) and References.
- The list of References should be arranged in alphabetical order with name of author/authors, year, title, name of journal, volume, number & page number: Example: Bora, I.P.; Barua, K.N.; Singh, R. and Singh, J. (2007). Enumeration of ethno-medicinal plant wealth of Angami Nagas-a traditional approach. Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences, 29(4): 191-196.
- Manuscript will be considered for publication only on the specific recommendation from referees.
- The Editorial Board reserves the right to make necessary changes in the research articles.
- Proofs and PDF: Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for necessary corrections. A soft copy of the article will also be sent to him.
- Manuscripts for publication should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Plant Development Sciences, 121/8, Pragati Nagar, Saket, Meerut – 250001 (U.P.) India.
- All correspondence pertaining to the Journal may be addressed to Managing Editor / Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Plant Development Sciences, 121/8, Pragati Nagar, Saket, Meerut – 250001 (U.P.) India.
- Subscription should be made in the name of Managing Editor, Journal of Plant Development Sciences in the form of crossed demand draft from any Nationalized Bank payable at Meerut – 250001 (U.P.) India.
- Original articles not published in any journal before (except in the form of abstract) will be considered for publication. The articles published in the Journal will be Journal’s copyright.[/starlist]
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